*blinks* wow.... I haven't blogged in 2 months.... I think that's a record ^^;;; But other than that, uni's been incredibly busy, work has been incredibly tiring and I've just been all out drained.... thank everything under the stars that it's the mid-semester break.... though with my schedule I'm really not getting much of a break ^^;;; But... 'tis the thought that counts ne??
Inspiration also failed to strike for a new layout... *sighs* which is why I'm keeping Yoh for a while longer till I can find something to do with my existing pics, or find some new pic that screams at me that it's layout fodder..... though prolly not anytime soon ^^;;;
Given the long time in which I haven't blogged, this will prolly be an extremely long entry ^_^ though I'll try to keep it as succint as possible. Starting with:
Recent acquisitions - ie. why I'm so broke... -_-;;
Salty-dog 1 & 2 - *huggles* Gorgeous gorgeous artbooks. Well worth the pretty penny I paid for them, though with the exchange rate as it is, I paid less that I expected to so that was a good thing ^_^ Back to the books.... absolutely gorgeous, breath-taking, gorgeous, amazing... have I mentioned gorgeous?? *wide grin* Love these artbooks, love Minekura Kazuya's artwork. Like I've said before, Minekura Kazuya's work lacks the clean-lines that is characteristic of CLAMP's artworks (which I also adore), yet still remains extremely attractive in a more raw sense...
I love the fact that the characters do actually seem to talk to Minekura Kazuya, and the fact that she gives them pet-names that you know they'd whack her for if they were ever real (*snickers* San-chan~~ *runs from fan* ^____^). This may be something that CLAMP lacks, simply because CLAMP is a concerted effort whereas Minekura Kazuya is a lone-author-artist. Also applaud the change of paper for the pages of Salty-dog as opposed to Backgammon.... going from the extremely glossy to muted texture, I think that the latter suits her work more. Needless to say some of the effects that the paper texture gives to the artwork is absolutely stunning. Also would like to point out that I love the monkey to bits ^_____^ I really really REALLY love that monkey~~
Shaman King DVD Box Set - Yes, finally got my Shaman King~~!!! ^____________^ I love this anime... the ending was absolutely gorgeous.... and I still can't help but think that huger version of Bason looks like a Gundam *snickers* But in general, I love Bason.... he's just so adorable ^_^ Put him together with Ren and you just can't help but wanna huggle them... *LOL* Ending fights were incredible... Lyserg managed to redeem himself slightly in the end... Anna was extremely, but covertly, cute: "Yoh... okaeri..." ^_________^ And the ending sequence was just cute.... *LOL* Overall, love this anime... ^_^ Just a nice light-hearted change from some of the heavier stuff I've been watching... Like
Rurouni Kenshin DVD 13 - will be getting DVD 14 this weekend, but still... DVD 13 -- specifically Sou-chan's episodes never fail to choke me up.... especially at the bit when he's just about to lose it and he says to Kenshin, "If what you do is right, why didn't you protect me??" *sniffles* Poor Sou-chan~~ =P And I'm glad that his 'family' are dead... They didn't deserve such a nice kid.... Maa... eagerly awaiting DVD 14... end of the Kyoto arc ^_^ and the five-hit combo *grins*
Noir DVD 1 & Box - Yes, ended up getting Noir.. with the bonus box and t-shirt... Box was nice ^_^ Looked like the boxes from the region 1 release.... T-shirt sucked major ass... looked like it had been brown-ified -- there were brown smears all over it.. not to mention that it wasn't exactly the nicest piccy of Kirika they could have picked.... =P The back looked better than the front... and let's not mention that it only came in large so that there is absolutely no way I can wear it anywhere but as a nightshirt... =P Noir was also advertised to have surround sound... came home, popped it in and found that it only came with stereo audio option... NOT HAPPY... so overall, I dunno if I'm happy with the Noir DVD.... may hold off getting the rest till I have more cash and more volumes are released...
And just generally, I'm just not happy with the region 4 releases.... the release of Rurouni Kenshin Seishouhen is apparently marketed under "Samurai X" *rolls eyes* which according to the promotion pamphlet, would "appeal to fans of Rurouni Kenshin". Well of course it would appeal to fans of Rurouni Kenshin~!!! It IS Rurouni Kenshin~!!! *growls* assholes.... Not only that, but while the cover isn't exactly the prettiest thing in the world, I could live with it if they hadn't reversed the image... and what does reversing the image do?? Why, it puts Kenshin's scar on his right cheek instead of his left~!!! *grabs Shinken and prepares to skewer Madman a la Fuuma and Kamui style as per May issue of Asuka* Idiots... the whole bunch of them...
Speaking of Asuka though... the latest issue puts more perspective on the Arashi defection... ie. it's not her fault... which redeems her in my eyes and puts her back into the "cool" category *L* (On a side note, wasn't Sorata's right hand paralysed?? Why is he using his right hand to threaten Hinoto then?? ^^;;;) Sakurazukamori!Subaru still looks drool-worthy..... Fuuma is STILL only just preparing to skewer Kamui.... Kamui STILL hasn't realised his true wish.... And CLAMP are taking a two month break~~~~~!!!! ARGH~~~~~!!!
So to tide me over for the long haul, I've started to download the latest issues of Hikaru no Go...... *sweatdrops* I know... I'm bad... but it's good~!! And let's not forget to mention that Hikaru no Go finished at 75~!! Right after the Sai-hen in the manga... ^^;;; I'm surprised that they finished it, though I s'pose they wanna have a look to see where the manga's going with this latest arc before committing more anime episodes to it... I won't be surprised if they decide to launch a second series sometime in the future. In regards to the anime, love the new opening sequence -- they all look so grown up and BISH~!! ^_^ Love the side-stories and chibi-Sai with his cardboard cut-outs of chibi-Akira and chibi-Hikaru *huggles* Love Isumi-san with the longer hair~~~~~!!! ^__________^ Eagerly waiting to get my hands on more HikaGo... In terms of the manga, I'm just glad that JUMP is a weekly issue and not a monthly like Asuka... even week by week, not too much happens in each chapter yet still manages to leave you hanging... *pouts* I wanna know who wins between Hikaru and Yong Ha.... I'm willing to bet Hikaru, simply coz he wouldn't let Sai down ^_^... And Yashiro looks like Enishi ^^;;; Just thought I'd mention that.....
In other anime, also seen up to 18 of Gundam Seed..... continue to be of the opinion that Frey needs to be jetted out to space without a space suit as soon as possible... either that or dropped into the middle of a firefight.... either way, she needs to die... preferably messily.... Me? Vindictive? nah~~~ *L* Seriously though, I hate her.... it's gone beyond the point of her bugging me.... I can tolerate people who bug me... most of them have at least one redeeming quality.... she on the other hand... *growls* I just wanna strangle her...... I like the blonde girl through ^_^ Can't remember her name.... but she's cool.... Need more Gundam Seed...
Saw more Naruto... Haku died.... ^^;;; strong shounen-ai hints when Zabuza asked to die next to him... The new arc with the whole test thing is proving to be interesting ^_^ Will definitely continue to watch it... despite the fact that I question the casting of Ishida Akira as the red-haired crow dude.... His voice just doesn't seem to fit... More Spiral~~!! which ended at 25, is just getting curiouser and curiouser... but still good ^_^ I like those logic things.... Saw 3 eps of .hack//Tasogare no Udewa Densetsu.... extremely extremely cute~!! ^_^ Appears to have better explanations than .hack//SIGN so will continue this.... which apparently ended at 12.... Everything's ending these days....
Anways, also acquired some pencil boards, one of the original Kenken from Weiss, not the Gluhen Kenken..... *cringe* I've decided that Gluhen Kenken is okay as long as you only see his face and not the entirety of his hair.... Although the new bugnuks are cool~~ So yeah.... what does this mean? This means that I have attempted to watch Gluhen and failed to have it impress me.... although I s'pose I really wasn't expecting it to impress me.... of the seven episodes I've seen, I've found it much more serious than the original Weiss... a lot more mysterious and angsty.... whether this is the reason why it doesn't appeal to me, I dunno....
I usually don't mind not a lot of humour in a series, if it suited the mood... but I think the thing I didn't like about it was that it essentially did to me what .hack//SIGN did to me, tried to keep me so "in the dark" and "in suspence" that I essentially had no clue of what was going on and therefore lost the plot (if I ever gained it in the first place). This whole thing with the G-class and Z-class has me completely confused.... never mind that any talk with something like "A-class" or "B-class" reminds me of youryoku ratings from Yuu Yuu Hakusho..... But yeah... given that it is only 13 eps and that it is Weiss, I'll probably endure it till the end... but... *shrugs* this is more of a completist action on my part, not any real wanting to see it.... *sighs* what did they do to my poor Kenken~~??
On a side-note... Sena bugs me.... didn't see enough of Kyou to really judge, but Sena bugs me.... and Yamaguchi Kappei can't scream.... Don't get me wrong, I like Yamaguchi Kappei's voice.... he's awesome as Ryuuichi in Gravitation.... but that doesn't change the fact that he can't scream... the same fact is exibited in Inu Yasha.... so yeah, Sena bugs me.... why? *shrugs* just a combination of rashness and immaturity that certainly Omi never exhibited despite being the youngest. And just speaking of rashness, Kenken is hot-headed, I'll give him that, but never immature.... so yeah.... maybe rashness+immaturity bugs me... *shrugs* And the fact that he just isn't.... Weiss......... Maybe this is more perception than anything else but Weiss has always just been Ayan, Yotan, Omittchi and Kenken.... and, I'm sure in a lot of fans' minds, it always will be.... So yeah... while everyone else has a cross on their uniform, he doesn't.... ^^;;; like I said, more perception than anything else, but because of this, he'll always seem like the outsider....
On another side-note.... Todou looks like Nagi.... as in the young original Nagi..... not the Gluhen-Nagi-with-Trowa-hair!Nagi.... *cringe* what they've done to Schwarz is nothing short of blasphemy~!! Schu-schu~~ and Crawford~~ Crawford was cool in the original~~ Now he just looks like some old Jiji with his white hair and weird-ass forelock hanging over his forehead..... *shudders* And granted, the original Schu-schu didn't have a fantastic sense of fashion, but at least he had some~~ (and he looked cool in all white ^_^) Where's that fashion sense now???!?!?
Though I am interested to see what Crashers look like.... especially Knight.... ^^;;; Will he have Seki Toshihiko's voice as in the CD dramas I wonder? myah......