*grins* 2:30am... good time to rant... and hence blog... *L* And what coupla days it's been...
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Believe In" -- Nomiyama Masaki ]
*giggles* And first of all... Saiyuki~~~~!!!! *squeals* I have officially become addicted! ^^;;; If I wasn't already.... It's Soooo good~~!!! And this song is from the second Image Album... such a good song~!! With such a good beat~!! ^_^ Very tempted to get out to my anime supplier and buy the third Image Album... I constantly find myself getting addicted to Saiyuki songs *L* They are THAT good!!
But anyways, back to the actual anime... ^^;;; Sutsume-chan and I got the whole first season done in two days *giggles* And it's good good good good good~!! ^_^ Can I stress that enough??
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Calling My Soul" -- Manabu Enuma ]
I am SO addicted to this song~!!! ^_^ Yet again from Saiyuki... Go GET~!!
Long haired Goku, long haired Goku!!! Long haired Goku is just COOL!! Pretty pretty golden eyes~!!! *L* But Goku is cute anyway you look at him... "Haraheta~~~!!" *giggles* Kawaii~~~~~~!! And you just gotta love Sanzo's fan!! *LOL* Especially in the last few eps after Goku willingly took off his power controlling thing to fight Kougaiji and then ended up almost killing everyone... ^_^ He was feeling guilty that he'd tried to kill Sanzo and the two are looking at each other and all of a sudden, Sanzo just whips out his fan and starts pounding Goku with it~~!! *LOL* God I love that bit!! ^_^ "Bakazaru!!!"
One of the many things about this series I love, is that it canNOT stay serious... I mean, it was a bloody serious scene, with Sanzo all bandaged up and Goku feeling guilty... *giggles* Kawaii~~~!! *LOL* And then Goku and Gojyo start the whole "Bakazaru" and "Ero Kappa" thing again~~!! *LMAO* I swear I love this series...
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "From Way Before" -- Laynah ]
Once again from Saiyuki... ^_^ An all english song actually, and the pronounciation's pretty good as well as the grammar ^_^ And the words just completely remind me of Goku.... *huggles chibi-Goku*
But then there's everybody else~!! Sanzo is just bloody cool!! *grins* Kinda makes me think of what happens when you cross Duo with Heero's personality ^_^ It's the voice, I swear it's the voice~~!! Seki Toshihiko~~~!! *squeals* And then there's Hakkai~~!! *giggles* You gotta love Ishida Akira's voice for those kinds of cheerful in all situations people... ^_^ It's so cute!! "Hakkai! See, Sanzo's got a really really small heart!!" "Well I did say "I think", didn't I?" *falls over laughing* That's just such a precious scene!! Waaii~~! And let's not forget Gojyo... but then who could actually forget the perverted kappa?? *snickers* The fights between him and Goku are just too hilarious... and then there's Sanzo joining in... *huggles* I just can't get enough of this series... must go get the manga and read the gaiden... Waaaii~~~!!!
*sweatdrops* Can I acutally stop gushing about this series?? *LOL* Trust me, if you haven't seen it, you definitely should!! *snickers* And then you can laugh at the Sanzo/Lirin situation too... *dies laughing* Oi oi... me on a high... ^_^
Gojyo: You probably couldn't even remember his name!
Goku: I could too!! Hakkai Hakkai Hakkai Hakkai Hakkai Hakkai Hakkai Hakkai!!
Hakkai: Question! How many times did Goku say "Hakkai"?
Sanzo: *looks at Hakkai* Hak-kai.. (eight times)
Hakkai: *grins* Bingo!!
Waaii~~!! Gomen~~!!! ^^;;; But that was such a cute scene!!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "eX Dream" -- Miyuji ]
*giggles* Okies okies... I'll stop gushing about Saiyuki now....
So onto a more serious note, finally saw the first few eps of X the TV series~!! Of which this is the Opening... to which I'm also addicted... *sweatdrops* I'm addicted to too many good songs at the moment....
X the TV series, I gotta say is absolutely much better than the goddamned movie!! I mean, by the first five minutes of the movie, both Seishirou and Subaru were already dead!! *pout* What was the fun in that?? The TV series, I reckon is much better, at least I could follow the plotline without having read the manga... unlike when I watched the movie *cringe* That was just sitting through an hour and a half or so of gorefest... not that I don't like that kinda thing, but X is supposed to have such a deep plotline that the movie just didn't do it justice!! *puts on Wufei voice* There is no Justice!! *snickers* Sorry... I'm seriously on a high....
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Secret Sorrow" -- Koizumi Kouhei ]
*grins* The ending to the X tv series... slow ballad, good vocal ^_^ Nice angsty song!
But anyways, IMHO, the TV series is much better! The graphics are absolutely beautiful, both in artwork and in detail! And I'm led to believe that it actually follows the manga storyline pretty closely with a few minor changes ^_^ Waaii~~!!! I've only seen the first three episodes plus the OVA "An Omen" and I'm already addicted!! ^^;;; But then I was always addicted to X manga piccies... CLAMP does such detailed artwork!! *hearts*
So yeah, definitely gonna see more of the TV series, and then borrow the manga ^_^ Finally got membership at my local manga supplier *sweatdrops* So now I can waste my money on both anime *and* manga~!! *L* God I need a job... ^^;;;
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Yasashii ii Ko ni Narenai" -- Hidaka Noriko (Akane) ]
*blinks* *snickers* My newly acquired Akane song from Ranma fame... *giggles* This is the infamous "baka" song, and I seriously can't help but laugh everytime this comes on... especially because I can't imagine Hidaka Noriko singing it~!! *L* Admittedly, I've never seen Ranma, so I've never heard Akane in action, but I have seen Rurouni Kenshin, which also features Hidaka Noriko as Seta Soujirou *major sweatdrops* Now compare the ever calm (^^;; well.. sorta) and smiling Sou-chan to this song which features Akane yelling at Ranma about how he's just a "Baka" and that he should just go die... ^^;;; Very very amusing!!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Devotion" -- Okui Masami ]
*happy sigh* This is such an awesome song!! For me, the ultimate test for a singer, is if s/he can sing without any music... and Okui-sama just proves herself with this song!! Lovely lovely song!! Must get if you're an Okui-sama fan!!
So anyways, what else did I do...? ^_^ Oh yeah, finally finished Houshin Engi ^_^ It was a pretty good series, but considering that I was watching Saiyuki while watching Houshin Engi, it didn't quite match up to Saiyuki ^^;; But on it's own, it's a good series once you get past the names *giggles* Raishinshi and Nataku just crack me up... And Youzen!! Gotta love Youzen and the big white doggy~!! *huggles* *grins* As well as my personal favorite, Tenka~!!! *L* Bishis galore!!
And I also watched Vampire Hunter D... ^^;;; usually I don't watch dubbed anime unless I have to.. but considering that VHD was made in english originally, and on recommendation from my anime supplier, I decided to give it a try... ^^;;; It was... bloody... *L* That's pretty much it... The graphics were awesome!! But the plot was somewhat predictable and kinda bland... ^^;; but that could just be me... The good thing is that I actually managed to sit through the entire thing and actually understand it all... I don't have a good track record with anime movies... I didn't like Akira *cringe* Slept through Spriggan twice *double cringe* and I didn't really like Mononoke Hime... So yeah, I've never had a good record with anime movies, so considering that I did manage to stay awake and watch the entire thing gives it a pretty good rating in my book... ^_^ But then I'm morbid, so beware, this isn't a movie for the faint hearted!!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Yakusoku" -- Suzumura Kenichi (Shirou Kamui) ]
Kamui's image song from the X tv series and OVA... ^_^ Fuuma has the same one, but I gotta say I like Kamui's version better... Fuuma's is just a little too gruff for me to really get into...
But besides anime, me been stuck into manga... ^^;;; namely "Tokyo Babylon" *cringe* yet another obsession... which fuels my X obsession coz X basically picks up the Seishirou/Subaru relationship where Tokyo Babylon left off... ^^;;; Myah... so don't be surprised if a TB Chaos layout turns up sometime in the future *L* It could very well happen, though I'm thinking more Saiyuki layouts first ^_^ And of course, a surprise for V-day coming up in a month's time!! *giggles*
Anyhoo, this is what happened to me in the course of the past week and a half ^^;;; pretty hectic, but loving it all the same! But me better get to sleep... need at least some of the elusive stuff... *LOL*
Ranting by Shikami Yamino at 2:17 AM