*blinks sleepily* *yawns* Five and a half hours of sleep is not a good thing... ^^;;; but then I guess I always get this much so I should be used to it ne? Funny thing is, I always do my best ranting at about 2am in the morning, provided that I'm still up... which I mostly always am *L*
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Eternal" -- Ishihara Shin'ichi ]
*smiles* Nice song... but in my sleepy state now, it's making me fall asleep. From this song, and Seki Toshihiko's "Midnight Illusion", I'm actually tempted to go and see Ai no Kusabi ^^;;; But *I'm tempted*, don't think I'll actually do it.... and if I did, I'd probably see Bronze first anyway. ^_^ But like I said, I doubt I'd actually see them... Too many other things to watch at the moment... I'm in the middle of three really really really good series and then stupid school has to start so I'm banned from anime watching at least until April *growls* Stupid school... stupid final high school year... *kicks brand new pile of school books all ready for the start of school in ten days*
Ishihara-san has a really nice voice ^_^ For those who haven't heard Eternal, you should! It's good it's good! It's very mellow and just sounds really nice!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Smile a Go Go" -- E.M.U. ]
Waaaiiii~~~ My winamp is so good to me *LOL* E.M.U. is my favorite Japanese band ^_^ Why? Is it because it's got Okiayu Ryuutarou, Hayashi Nobutoshi and Midorikawa Hikaru...? *innocent expression* Of course not! Why would you say that? *LOL* But yup, some of my favorite seiyuus, including my favorite -- Midorikawa Hikaru -- is definitely enough incentive to motivate me to get a lotta their songs. *snickers* If you think my reaction to this song is bad, you should see both Sutsume-chan and I when "Hoshi ni Natta Hanabi" comes on *LOL* In the words of some Midorikawa Hikaru fan, "Hoshi ni Natta Hanabi" is the "sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy *swoon*" song *giggles*.
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Heart wa Koukiatsu" -- E.M.U. ]
Surprised? Doubt it *LOL* My shrunken playlist of 58 now features about 20 of my E.M.U. songs *L* Seriously, I love this band! If you haven't heard them, damn are you missing out! For the record and as a point of interest, E.M.U. is a group formed by five seiyuus: Midorikawa Hikaru, Okiayu Ryuutarou, Hayashi Nobutoshi, Ishikawa Hideo and Sakaguchi Daisuke. These five are the seiyuus for an anime/manga called "Sotsugyou M" which stands for "Male Graduation" since most of the Graduation series is about girls *L*
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Hohoemi ni Kiss wo" -- Okiayu Ryuutarou (E.M.U.) ]
Like I said, you shouldn't be surprised anymore! Anyhow, let's move on coz I know I can rant about E.M.U. all day and still not get tired *LOL* But this song is really nice... it has a dreamy beat and is a ballad, much slower than the other songs I've heard Okiayu Ryuutarou do as Takagi Shimon (his character in Sotsugyou M).
Now, about the three series I'm stuck in at the moment: Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Saber Marionette J and Senkaiden Houshin Engi. What can I say? Sooooooo good!! *snickers* And I shamelessly admit to dragging Sutsume-chan into Utena but then she dragged me into Houshin Engi so it's kinda an even thing *L*
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Just do it" -- Okui Masami ]
^_^ My favorite JPop/JRock artist!! But back to the topic at hand. Utena is weird/strange but good nonetheless -- though I must admit that part of that could be because of the opening "Rinbu Revolution" by *gasp* Okui Masami! *grin* Me? Biased..?? Nah~~~ *giggles* But the opening is definitely cool!!
Saber Marionette J reminds me of Slayers. It has the same insane sense of humor (and Hayashibara Megumi as one of the main characters *L*). However, I'm still trying to drag Sutsume-chan into it coz she doesn't wanna see Koyasu Takehito seiyuuing for someone as weird as that Hanagata guy *LOL* He's pretty funny... if in a weirdo way ^_^
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Labyrinth" -- E.M.U. ]
*grins* I shall refrain from comment -- but this is one of my all time favorite songs!!
And Houshin Engi... well.... two names: "Yuuki Hiro" and "Ishida Akira" *snickers* The fact that Yuuki Hiro plays the main character Taikoubou was reason enough for Sutsume-chan to pick it up since he's one of her fave seiyuus. (He does Tsukiyono Omi's voice in Weiss Kreuz if anyone's wondering -- the exact reason he became of her favorites is coz he played one of her fave characters *L* Though guess I'm not one to talk... I have the same initiatives for liking some of my fave seiyuus.)
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Look of Love" -- Seki Toshihiko ]
This is the prime example ^_^ I LOVE Seki Toshihiko's voice. Reason? He has a great voice! And he seiyuus Duo Maxwell! *giggles*
But Houshin Engi is another insane series and is very very good!! Now if I could just find enough time to finish watching these series!!! *growls*
Okies... me thinks this rant is getting a bit long... so I'll stop and leave the ranting for another day... *L* Good thing is, I'm more awake now... and I'm gonna go and get my daily dose of caffeine ^_^.
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Dream in Power" -- Seki Toshihiko, Matsumoto Yasunori & Okiayu Ryuutarou ]
This is surprisingly a really nice song! Before I heard it, I cringed at the thought of Duo, Gourry and Treize singing together *giggles* But it's good... It's from Ryu Knights, if anyone's wondering. Need to see that ^_^
Okies okies, I'm done... anymore and I'm gonna start on the modified Saitou speech *snickers* (sorry, inside joke).
Ranting by Shikami Yamino at 9:01 AM