*grins* Blogging again after so long~! ^_^ And the first time after the new v1.2 layout came out... LOVE Arai-kun~! *LOL* Yes, I am obsessed... Hey! Don't knock it till you've tried it!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Still Time" -- Tokuyama Hidenori ]
However, I've gotta admit that as much as I love this Arai-kun design, it is already a matter of time before it gets replaced! ^^;;; I know I should be doing work... really I should... but I can't help it~!! This song is the second opening of what is turning out to be yet ANOTHER anime obsession... and I haven't even watched it yet~! Only seen the vidclips of the openings and second ending.... Wanna see~~~!!!
Oh, and if anyone's wandering *L* the anime is "Gensoumaden Saiyuki" based on the Chinese story of "Journey to the West" with some mighty strange twists!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "For Real" -- Tokuyama Hidenori ]
^_^ I can't really decide which I like better... this, the first opening, or the previous song, the second opening. Suffice it to say that they are both really really really GOOD~!! Waaaaiiii~~~ Love this song... Both the openings have very very catchy tunes *L*
So... some facts about Saiyuki... Well, as far as I can tell, there's Genjo Sanzo, the priest, who must travel to the west in the company of three demons with human-like features, Son Goku, Cho Hakkai and Sha Gojyo to... I think stop some big demon thing from being released into the world ^^;;; Anybody like to correct me on that?
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Alone" -- Shimokawa Mikuni ]
Waai~!! Second ending song!! Slow song!! Nice song!! *LOL*
Anyhow, Genjo Sanzo is as far from being priest-like as anybody! I mean, ever heard of a priest that was an alcoholic, chain-smoker and loved guns? ^^;;; Yet all of these things define Genjo Sanzo~! *L* As well as the fact that his voice is done by Seki Toshihiko! Duo-chan~~~~!!!!! ^_^
Yup yup, the seiyuus were most of the reason that both Sutsume-chan and I got stuck into this series without even seeing it *L* I mean apart from Seki Toshihiko, you get Ishida Akira as Cho Hakkai~! *snickers* I wonder if he's gonna say anything close to "Sore wa himitsu desu!" that he's known for so well as Xelloss from Slayers fame. ^_^ I mean, he said "Sore wa mada himitsu desu!" in the first coupla eps of Houshin Engi as... urgh, I forget his name.. but Hell if both of us didn't start cracking up and then had to rewind to catch the bits we missed *L*
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Open Up Your Mind" -- Mirai ]
OOoohhhhhh... this is apparently another Saiyuki song ^_^ And their English is really good in this one!
So anyways, I think you also get the voices of Kane from Lost Universe and Trunks from DBZ as the others and I really really really REALLY wanna see it~!! People should go download the clips for the openings too~!! They look SO good! *L* Even though it is pretty new, I'm surprised Saiyuki doesn't have a bigger following on the net at the moment... *shrugs* But oh well... make surfing through Saiyuki stuff much easier when you don't get information overload on the first search ^_^
*pout* Not that I'm not in the middle of enough series already~! *growls* Stupid school~!! *sighs* NCAWP is almost over too... so I gotta start going to school again... But the good thing is that I finally get to go pick up my posters from my anime supplier today~!! Waaii~!! *cheers* D-chan~! Qua-chan~! Wu-chan~! ^_^
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Precious Love" -- 20th Century (V6) ]
I so love this song~! Sutsume-chan has finally dragged me into her love for V6 though I do have to admit that I was almost there already *L* I mean, how can you NOT love "Change the World"?? But this is really really nice~! Sorta a walking-pace songs that's just really really nice to listen to~!! Go get from Sutsume-chan's "Kikoeru ~ In Silence ~" now!! With two more V6 songs~! *LOL*
Ack... really need to go... gotta head over to the bus stop to get to the city for a meeting with the publishers... *sighs* I wonder how I get myself into these things... A little piece of advice for all out there who are entertaining ideas of being on the Graduation Yearbook Committee while trying to keep up a net addiction and with homework in their final year: GOOD LUCK~!! *L* Considering that our yearbook is completely student-run and student-financed, I'm kicking myself for agreeing to get into this in the first place.... *growls* And I'd like to wring the neck of our FORMER head of senior school (GOOD RIDDANCE!!) for all the crap that she put us through... *sticks out tongue* Sucks to you~!!
[ Shikami's winamp now playing: "Nanka Shiawase" -- Oystars ]
Okies okies... gotta go before I start the Recca ranting! *LOL* I LOVE RECCA~~!!!! ^_^
Ranting by Shikami Yamino at 7:45 AM