As promised, the new layout ^_^ For some reason every time I look at this layout, I get the damned "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..." song going in my head... *sweatdrops* Maybe it has to do with the green and red colors.... myah... *shrugs* Dun care, coz 'tis FUUMA~~~~~~~!!! And KAMUI~~~~~~~~!!! TOGETHER~~~~~~~!!! *drools*
Like it says over in the column on the left, this layout was actually designed to match the winamp skin, not the other way around as it usually is nowadays. This picture was DEFINITELY much too yummy to pass up as layout fodder. "Affinity" is titled for the special *coughs* relationship *snickers* that Kamui and Fuuma share... ^_^ It's always the one word that comes to my mind when I think of the two of them, and it's appropriate for them on so many different levels *grins*
"Kono yo no hatetemo hanarenai..." comes from the theme song for v2.3 "One" by Daybreak, from the first ending of Ayashi no Ceres -- the proper title for that song would be "One ~ kono yo no hatetemo hanarenai" -- which effectively means something like "even if the world ends, I'm never letting you go" ^_^ the image phrase for v2.3 and again so appropriate for both Kamui and Fuuma on so many different levels... *snickers* Although for Fuuma, the meaning may be entirely different to Kamui's interpretation..... *evil laughter*
So yes, am loving this layout, am loving the combo on my desktop at the moment and am SO loving Fuuma and Kamui~~~~~!! *LOL* Just do beware that the next layout won't be so nice.... ^________^
Meanwhile, me is now in the middle of watching FruBa~~~~~~~!!! Started and finished up to ep 12 yesterday ^_^ 'Tis GOOD~~~~~~~!!!! From what I've seen of it, it's a gorgeous series! Lighthearted and very good for a laugh *giggles* Though I s'pose it'll develop a more substantial underlying plot once we get the evil Akito onto the scene ^_^
The art work's not first rate -- at least in my book -- but good nonetheless... But I swear Yuki looks like a girl ^^;;; or was that intentional?? *L* And with his voice done by Hisakawa Aya, it's difficult not to think he's a girl when he speaks sometimes. And another thing I'm loving about this series: the seiyuus~~~~~!!! Horie Yui as Tohru, Hisakawa Aya as Yuki, Seki Tomokazu as Kyou, Okiayu Ryuutarou as Shigure, Inoue Kazuhiko as Hatori.... waaiii~~~!! so many recognizable seiyuus!!
And the whole Seki Tomokazu as Kyou thing *L* It's such a change from the "Yukiiiiiiii!!!" I'm used to from Shuuichi from Gravitation -- also played by Seki Tomokazu *LMAO* I mean, we've gone from "Yukiiiiiii!!!!" in this almost disgustingly cute voice to "Kuso Yuki" in a rough and tumble tone ^___________^ It's just such a paradox!! And Seki Tomokazu is just SO DAMN talented!! And Shigure is just CUTE!! Even if he is a sukebe oyaji *snickers*
Hatori's story is very very very sad *sniffles* And Akito in that reminds me of what whattaface did to Kurei from Recca... *glares at Akito* Meanie!! And I refuse to believe that Momiji is 15!! *gapes* I swear, the kid acts like he's in g-damned kindergarten!!! Too damn cute for his own good *L* And Kagura reminds me of Akane *snickers* and then there's Hatsuharu... that first scene with him when you see him flip his coat and step onto his bike with his biker gloves, you think: "whoa, cool guy on a motorbike" and then you figure out that he's on a bicycle instead!! *LOL* That's just hilarious... but he's still cool... and I laughed my head off when he actually turned into the cow *LMAO* you'd think that with his personality he'd turn into something a lot more aggressive than a dairy cow *snickers* though with his "white Haru" and "black Haru" personality, I probably should have guessed *LOL*
And then there's the "baka neko" and "kuso nezumi" arguments~~~~~~!! Waaiiii~~~~~~!! *dances* Me like this series very very VERY much!! Need to finish it soon ^_____________^
And just for curiosity's sake, I wanna state that I can't see Tohru in a pairing with anyone in the Juunishi unless it's with both Yuki and Kyou... yes people, I said BOTH *LOL* This has become yet another of the inseparable love triangles that are just better off all together *L* Like Hikaru and Lantis and Eagle from MKR... And let's not mention how cute they both are when they're worried for Tohru or trying not to be jealous *LOL* Kawaii~~~~~~~~!!
Very much loving FruBa at the moment!! ^_^ Need to finish....
And just before I go, while on the subject of very much loving something... I've said it once and I'll say it again: Pretear's Sasame has a DAMN smooth voice!! Listening to his image song "Love Breaks" on repeat at the moment.... and trust me, I could melt right here in my seat.... *drools* What a voice!! Sakurai Takahiro will definitely be added to my fav seiyuus list!! *WIDE grin*
And now I shall go before I become completely incoherent from listening to Sasame's voice.... and my fingers are freezing and I need to be up early tomorrow so I can make it into the city to shop for my friend's 18th b'day presents....