All the legal mumbo jumbo that everyone needs if they host fan stuff - you know what this is all about right? ^_^
Fanfics - Classified Yaoi
Please note that the stories classified as 'Yaoi' contain strong references to shounen/shounen relationships, as seems to be the trend on the net for GWing fics. Those who feel queasy at the thought of homosexual relationships should be advised not to read them and I have warned you so don't flame me for the concept. Arigato.
Fanfics - Classified Non-Yaoi
The archive of both my and Sutsume-chan's non-yaoi fics. Not very many exist in there at the moment but we're working on it ^^;.
Finally the fanart archives are OPEN!!! *cheers* If you would like to send some in, just give me some indication by email and I'll be happy to accommodate!
The Stygian Sagas
A major ongoing project between Sutsume-chan and me. The characters of GW set in an alternate universe. Finally OPEN!! ^_^ So happy! Okay, as already mentioned: AU, beware shounen-ai (don't know what it is, don't read it! ^^;;), non-canon characters and major spoilers for some Episode Zeros. Tread lightly -- for you are about to cross the river of Styx... and into a world of nightmares...