"Death is a gift given at birth..." Here's a little info about Endless Dedication that might be simply useless but I like to have here anyways ^_^. Endless Dedication was officially opened to net surfers on 1st of October 1999 but has been in existence since June of 1999. It was a result of my growing admiration for a series that not only dealt with real world issues but with the lives of the millions affected by war as well. Thus Endless Dedication is created and maintained in appreciation of and as a tribute to the amazing series "Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing". Endless Dedication version 2.0 was opened to net surfers during January of 2001, boasting a (hopefully ^^;;) more attractive and easier to navigate layout. This site is created and maintained with Microsoft Notepad and is designed for optimum performance in conjunction with Internet Explorer version 4.0 and higher. Netscape Navigator users may experience some difficulties with the frames and therefore unfortunately are encouraged to use EDv1.0 for their surfing. I apologize for this inconvenience. Screens settings for maximum performance is on 800x600 pixels and on True Color. I would like to thank the various and many people who contributed to the making of this site, especially those who provided me with information, pictures, music etc. I know I haven't been very good with crediting my sources but I know that there are a lot of people who help me with this so please, if you see anything here that's yours PLEASE tell me so I can credit you!! Thank you all sooooo much!! Endless Dedication is hosted by Tripod, Geocities and Animenetwork. Guestbook by htmlGEAR and counter by FXWeb. Last but not least, as always and always will be, many many thanks go to Sutsume-chan for being there for me every step of the way through the last few years (occassionally -- wait... make that ALWAYS!! -- nagging at me to work faster ^^;;) as a friend and as an "Onee-chan" ^_^. You don't know how much I appreciate it!! So now I'll take the time to say: Eternally, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
*sweatdrop* Due to the new navbars of Yahoo!Webring, I've had to put the rings on a separate page to avoid ruining the EDv2.0 layout *sighs* Please following this link: Webrings